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President’s Dinner 2024: The Stationers' Hall - Wednesday 23 October 2024

Host: Mr Michael J Y Roberts FRPSL, President


In stock

The President’s Dinner will be held at the historic Stationers' Hall.

In 1606, the Stationers purchased Abergavenny House on the site of the present Hall. During the early days of September 1666 the Great Fire destroyed the major part of the City of London and Abergavenny House was burned to the ground. Steps were taken to build the present Hall, with work beginning in 1670. By autumn 1673 the new Hall was used for dinner on Lord Mayor's day.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

The Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London, EC4M 7DD

View the location on Google maps

It is expected that a large number of members and their guests will wish to attend and tickets are now on sale. Dinner will be served on tables of ten and members are invited to make up their own parties to renew friendships, meet fellow philatelists and reward long suffering partners.

The ticket price is £150.00 per person.

The dress code is Black Tie.

Please inform us at the time of booking of special dietary requirements and any particular seating requests.

Guests are especially welcome and it would assist us if the names and titles of your guests are communicated at the time of booking or in writing before the 1st October 2024.

There are no refunds available for the President's Dinner